Quick Info
General Assistance Administrator
Kurt Schaub
Main: (207) 225-3414
After Hours Emergency only – (207) 225-3353
Turner’s General Assistance program is an emergency assistance program for food, housing, electrical, heating, and several other essential household expenses. This program operates through the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, which establishes the eligibility criteria and requires a comprehensive application process. If you are experiencing a financial emergency and would like to apply for General Assistance, please come to the Turner Town Office to pick up an application, or click on the application link on the left.
General Assistance interviews are scheduled on Thursdays from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you are experiencing an emergency, special consideration may be made on a case-by-case basis.
Benefits under this program are subject to strict eligibility guidelines, so financial aid is not guaranteed. In the event eligibility guidelines are not met, we are often able to direct applicants to another organization or program better suited for the circumstances at hand.
If you are in need of food, the Turner Food Bank is available as a resource. The Turner Food Bank is open the last Wednesday of each month at the Boofy Quimby Memorial Center in North Turner. If you are in immediate need of food, please do not hesitate to contact the Turner Town Office for service.